
With the growing and widely recognized need and regulatory expectation for robust governance, including appropriate frameworks and structures to ensure effective implementation, Stratagem Advisors provides a comprehensive suite of services designed to support businesses as they develop their corporate structures and transform their businesses. The strengthening of the overall governance framework supports sustainable future growth and underpins the achievement of corporate objectives both protecting the organization and helping it meet regulatory requirements and investor expectations. Stratagem offers comprehensive Governance services to our clients including:

Board Governance

  • The review and establishment of Board and Management governance frameworks based on accepted best practices
  • Recommendations as to changes to existing Board governance documentation and committees including but not limited to Board charters, Board policies and Board Committees and establishing new ones where there is a requirement to develop them
  • Limits and Delegation of Authority Matrices
  • Review, design and implementation of the Board remuneration framework as well as Board effectiveness evaluations

Management Governance

  • Evaluation of the existing senior management structure
  • Advise on management committee charters and policies
  • Creation of an authority matrix
  • Alignment of jobs definitions with the designated authority and responsibilities
  • Development of comprehensive procedures for internal processes and controls